What we did in 2013

2013 was another enjoyable year, we concentrated on craft and one of our highlights was decorating a Valentine's Day cake each, shown here by one of our members:

We also made a scarecrow which was very great fun. The scarecrows made by WIs in SFWI were on show at Wisley RHS garden during the summer and were all on the theme of "Strictly Scarecrows'.
We decided on one called "Brucie gets the Girl".
We went to see 'Midnight Tango' at Woking Theatre at the end of March.  We took a walk around Ockham Common with a Ranger at the end of April and ended up at the Black Swan pub. We enjoyed an outing to Buckingham Palace with families in August to see the Coronation robes exhibition and that same month we had visitors from Denmead Eve WI in Hampshire that we entertained to afternoon tea.
We  had a craft meeting on the subject of "Gilding" in September and made lots of craft for our stall at the local Christmas Fair and enjoyed selling it. The Bran Tubs for the children were particularly popular.